Santa Cruz Works

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Clinic: Lean Startup with Innovation Within

Steve Blank is possibly the most respected entrepreneurial guru in the world. His Lean Startup methodology has been baked into the Innovation Within Discovery Platform™.

CEO James O'Connor will demonstrate Discovery Platform including:

  • Introduce the "Skinny" canvas. An easier approach to finding product/market fit

  • Empathy and curiosity, the two magical forces for successful interviews

  • The Do's and Don'ts of successful customer discovery

  • Quick tour of the Innovation Within platform

  • QA

The Discovery Platform is successfully used by government agencies (NSF I-Corps Nodes & Sites); leading universities; research labs; incubators, accelerators & bootcamps; startups; and consultants.

Take your idea through this methodology. If you are an educator, support tomorrow's innovators as they develop the skills needed to succeed in today’s entrepreneurial world.