Ride Out the Wave FAQ

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FAQ for Gift Card Buyers

Who is behind the www.rideoutthewave.org initiative? 
Ride Out the Wave is a group of volunteers from the local tech community who saw a chance to help drive gift card purchases for local businesses. We did three things: 1) created a website that connects businesses and customers, 2) made it easy for businesses to list themselves with gift card processing, 3) promoted the site to customers with online concert events. The first event was such a success we raised more funds from the community and ran a second event. We partnered with Santa Cruz Works to help get the word out because they know everyone, and they also helped staff the project and run the events.

How much money did this event route to local businesses?
This event was a smashing success. We estimate over $200,000 went from your pockets straight back to your favorite businesses. No middleman, no fees, and no different than you buying from the business. Thank you Santa Cruz!

How much in matching funds was at Ride Out the Wave #1?
The April 3 Taylor Rae event matched the first $10,000 in $25 gift cards. All matching funds were matched and processed after a few days.

How much in matching funds was at Ride Out the Wave #2?
We raised another $45,000 in matching fund donations from private organizations based on the success of the first event. After transactions fees, system costs, musician tips, and data processing wages we matched 760 purchases for $38,000.

How did the two concert events compare?
More than 3 times as many people came to the site for second event. More importantly, they purchased twice as often and drove more than 7 times the transactions. During the concert, the conversion rate of Ride Out the Wave site visitors to business gift card purchasing sites - despite the higher price point - was an astonishing 82%.

How does the matching program work?
1) We source donations, arrange talent, and host a Facebook Live event.
2) You make a purchase during that event.
3) You send your receipt in to us through an online form.
4) We verify your purchase and send a matching amount directly to the business.
5) The matching business notifies you with the match.

You get your gift card matched and your favorite business gets more cash! We don’t make any money or charge any fees.

How long does it take for a business to receive the match?
We’re busily processing the submission forms, matching receipts with businesses, and passing out the matching funds. We expect to have this wrapped up by May 1. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to promo@rideoutthewave.org. Please don’t bother asking your favorite business for information - they will just have to ask us.

When will I know if my purchase has been matched (or not)?
We’ll send you an email by the end of the week.

Why wasn’t my purchase matched?
We had overwhelming demand at this event (the kind of problem a community likes to have). In the first 15 minutes you made more than $45K in matchable purchases. We can match your purchase if a) you submitted your receipt through the online form and b) we still have funds. Receipts are matched in the order they were received. We’re sorry, but the demand far exceeded the donated matching funds, and we can’t match every purchase.

Wow! What kind of demand did you see?
The site relayed nearly 9,000 gift card transactions on April 23-26, with over 7000 sent during the concert alone. We are humbled and astonished by the community response: we received over 1400 requests for matches.

I purchased early on, before you ran said you ran out of funds. Why didn’t I get matched?
We matched funds based on the order we received the uploaded receipts. For example:
Drew bought a gift card at 7:12. He uploaded his receipt at 7:13. He DID get matched.
Rex bought a gift card at 7:05. He uploaded his receipt at 7:45. He DID NOT get matched.
Matthew bought a gift card at 7:09. He never uploaded the receipt. He did NOT get matched.

Finding your form and doing this process was too hard.
We agree that this customer experience could be improved. If we do it again we’ll make it better.

Why weren’t there more matching funds?
While we were grateful to the generous donors who helped quadruple the matching funds over the last event, you eager helpers created more demand than supply. Again, we are humbled by this community. 

Were there terms and conditions?
You can read more on the fund match submission form

Can I get a refund?
This was a non-profit event designed to help businesses during a time of unprecedented turmoil, entirely built and promoted by a handful of volunteers and directly benefiting these businesses. You are now the proud owner of local goods or services redeemable at a future date. If you really want to, you can ask the business where you purchased your gift card for a refund.

What have you learned?
We learned that matching funds are more compelling promo offer than we expected, that fast and cheap has it’s limitations, and that you people are GREAT. We are sorry for disappointing consumers and businesses, and we appreciate your understanding as we manage the challenges of moving quickly and enormous demand.

How can I express my gratitude to Keith Greeninger or Taylor Rae?
Go to Keith’s website, purchase music, or send him a tip.
Go to Taylor’s website and purchase her music.

FAQs for Businesses

Now that the matching event has ended, how do my customers get their match?
When your customer buys a gift card they submit the receipt to us via an online form. We review all submissions and confirm purchases with you before delivering the matching funds. We match submissions in the order they are received for as long as we have funds. Please direct any customers with questions on their match status to help@rideoutthewave.org.

What if my customer wants a refund?
We’re really disappointed that we couldn’t match every purchase and didn’t intend to harm to your brand or add friction to your business. You’ll need to process their refund through your purchase platform. Please refer customers with questions to help@rideoutthewave.org.

How do I remove my listing?
Please email help@rideoutthewave.org with your removal request.