Bird Rides to IPO via $2.3B SPAC

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Bird, the shared electric scooter startup that operates in more than 200 cities across three continents, recently announced it is going public by merging with SPAC (special purpose acquisition company) Switchback II with an implied valuation of $2.3 billion.

At 2021 Green Tech, we learned from local Robert Singleton, Civic and Business Change Leader at Bird, much about Bird’s success in the micromobility market.

“Bird is excited to be rolling out our fleet of scooters, bikes, and adaptable vehicles to as many new markets as possible, just in time for the resurgent, mostly normal, summer,” explains Robert.

Scooters are surpassing ebikes as the preferred vehicle for transportation. Why? Less infrastructure is needed to ride and park, particularly in underserved communities. (see Green Tech 2021 video and transcripts).

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Diversity & Inclusion

More importantly, the majority of scooter users are lower income and non-white.

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Is there more to Bird than a scooter? Just let your imagination soar. There are many new micromobiliy options coming to the market from various innovative companies which will make conventional outdated public transportation a horseless carriage of the past.

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